Transforming the Enterprise

In the recent years the change in a lot of industries have arisen from an traditional business approach, which was developed over decades to a software defined version of that. There are compelling reasons why this has happened.

(c) by presentation load

(c) by Presentation load

When the industry develops products often it takes decades that this comes out. Take cars for example, all development from cars currently in mass production are start to build and design in the last 5 -10 years. Updates will often go into the next generation of the product cycle.

This is obvious if it is mechanical, but on software it can be much faster adopted. A good example is Tesla Motors which changed the Industry with a concept building a computer in from of a car. Nightly software is updated over the air and new functionality is available for the drive or passenger. But not only this has changed also the selling of that kind of car is different. While for traditional car dealers it is a exercise to train all the sales personal on new function and features, new leasing models or service capabilities to explain this to the customers, modern companies change the sales structure to the internet with an easy to update and adjust model. This leads that options and selling capabilities more depend on the flexibility and creativity of the company, not on the salesforce and their adaptability. The new model traditional Enterprises stumble into demands deeply a adoption of an agile and innovative behavior and processes to leverage the demand and open new segments of making business with.

Why is this happen

Because it is possible. With the appearance of cloud and the models supported thru that, Startups have shown that it is easy to build business without a large invest into infrastructure or DC. Even more, in the past you have to ask investors for a large amount of money to build the DC now you can pay while you build your business. This is much more enabling the investment of the capital in the business model and not into the IT landscape. But this is only one aspect. With the commodization of IT resources, and the container based IT, it is much more cost efficient and reliable to build enterprise class IT with a minimum of investment. However, there is a trap many companies will fall into, which is standardization. Currently there is a believe that one cloud standard, driven by cloud providers, can be the right one, but history has shown that this will lead to more cost and will be replaces in time by an Industry association. We see this on the horizon with OpenStack already, which this is still far of enterprise ready. The key will also be more in the PaaS layer with open software, like CloudFoundry and Docker, which opens a broader Eco space for applications and operations.

Innovation HandIllustration by Dinis Guarda

Innovation HandIllustration by Dinis Guarda

So what about to enable the “New” Enterprise model

The new model will be driven thru innovation in software and applications. With my daily talks to large companies and customers many of them think about how to implement this two aspects into their business process modelling. Often it is driven out of the IT department, but the link to the business and the drivers are missing or simply not established. T I see large enterprises and global companies investing in application development thru the Line of Business and building a second IT knowledge, which is more enrich with the business than the agile development. This not only leads often to a wrong assessment of the best development environment, it also creates a new class of information islands. In the long run this will not be the right innovative approach for many enterprises, but it let adopt and compete with the new kids on the block, the startups, much better. My advise to the CIO and cloud architects is always to engage actively with the CIO departments and help them to change to a more agile and innovative model, we call that, continuous innovation, but also get in return the IT expertise to make the right strategic decisions for the company.

IT provider, like EMC and the federation, enables thsi process and guide also thru that, with various iterations EMC has possibilities to analyze the  current status of an IT department and show the path from a 2nd platform concept to the modern web scale architecture, the 3rd platform concept demands. Since this is not a “shoot once and forget” also in IT terms the “New” model is a constant change. Was it in the past a management of resources and strive form more synergy and “innovation” thru new HW/SW will be the next decade the IT departments more a broker of public and private cloud, may be also for other companies as an additional service.

How to proceed ?

It is not simple and has to be step by step, since the current change of the business model in many verticals not only driven thru development and operation aspects, it also deeply influenced thru big data concepts, which often lead to a Internet Of Things discussion. Silos and public cloud may be an answer, the key to success I see in many cases with a joint effort of the business units and the IT responsible people in the enterprise.

The MS-Dos Phase Of BigData

The first developers of IBM PC computers negle...

The first developers of IBM PC computers neglected audio capabilities (first IBM model, 1981). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most recently I was invited to talk to various CIO´s in the German context. The focus of my presentation was about the next years and what to expect from society, how IT changes everything, how to prepare and what to educate the employees on. IDC talked about the concept of the 3rd Platform. Thinking about the BigData hype while preparing the day, I was reminded on my times with MS-Dos. There was not only one approach to the “PC-Aera”. There was DR-Dos, Apple, still Mainframes etc.

One of the reasons MS-Dos gets more attention was the affinity to IBM and the combination of a device with a market place at this time. Also IBM let others open the space to develop software, add-ons for the PC etc. This generated momentum.

Seeing back the development to Windows 7, has taken a close combination of physics, like Intel, Software, like Microsoft and a change in the market.

The same we currently experimenting with cloud, virtualization and the future stage of an Software defined Datacenter, I guess we have long passed the MS-Dos phase.

So what is the MS-Dos phase?

Plenty of players, not a defined market, overselling of functionality, misleading abbreviations and very poor educated experts, best are from the vendors itself.

With all my talks to the CEO´s, CTO´s of industries, it has the same questions open:

  • What can I do with this technology?
  • Who can help me to build out the business context? and
  • Is this already time to invest into?

There is a clear answer, it depends !

It depends on the maturity of the IT department:

  • are they still maintaining the IT or do they drive innovative, business related IT processes.
  • Where is the infrastructure? Is the IT department still deploying Storage, Network and Servers, or they running a converged infrastructure with a services layer?
  • Do IT departments still focus on education on infrastructure or they hiring Data Scientists ?

MD Tag: MS DOS (Photo credit: shawnblog)

If you can answer this for your IT department, you are much closer to leave the MS-Dos phase behind you.

In the past, many business models have been established and run for years. This will be no longer true in many traditional businesses. Also this business is often in MS-Dos phase, but it will adapt thru the new market drivers, consumeration, urbanization, mobility, Maschine-to-Maschine decision processes and new adaptive computation processes which adjust the business to the demands of the users faster than realtime.

New concepts are unpredictable, like crowd sourcing, open source, raspberry pi physics, and machine learning. There is only one big truth, from MS-Dos to OS X it will take not 20 years, to will happen tomorrow.

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Running the most powerful iPAD

VMware View

In the last years the consolidation on one hand and the standardization on the other has lifted the expectations of the users to always on/endless power. Even compute intensive applications moved into the cloud. With the challenge of the  “multiple” device user experience many consumers of IT experienced the lack of integration. So applications like “dropbox”, “” or even the project “Octopus” from VMware have been generated to consolidate information on one single source.

Enterprises have troubles with that since there is a layer of trust and control witch may leave the ship.  So to take in account that we use more than one device, depending on the personal lifestyle and the expectations from culture or business to be online more often, the devices need to be “always-on”, trusted and reliable. 

We call this user-experience, which VMware has taken in account and developed the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). This let run you desktop on a server and “beam” the screen to your device.




There comes a lot of advantages with that.

  • First and foremost, it can run all the time. There is no need to shut down at all. I am not talking about sleep, it runs. This implies that Outlook rules i.e. will be executed always.
  • Second, it is fast. Since all the VDI desktops run on the same HW or close communication is fast. Resources can be shared, Infrastructure is no longer carried away when the user is inactive. Others can be leverage the remaining power.
  • Third, administration can be done much more easily. Since I used the VDI for business, there was at least one incident where our AntiVirus provider has sent a corrupted update, which leads to a block of most of the laptops. Also the VDI was affected. However the VDI has been shut down, reinitialized and than rebooted to recover. More than 1000 virtual laptops has been restored in minutes with involving 2 employees. The physical exchange of the profile has taken days and involved most of the IT specialist in the field.
  • Forth, security is key in enterprises, even the VDI is not free from fraud, at least it can be better controlled by the admins and security patches are installed in one big shot.
  • Fifth, backup it is all in the DC, most of the information is redundant, so de-duplication like Avamar or DataDomain can be much more effective, which also restore is fast, since it happens in the DC.

So what is the catch? In my experience with the VDI it is hard for offline travelers and on very low latency connections.


To use it for my daily work enables me to use my apps like Outlook, PowerPoint on my iMac, iPAD and MacBook, at the same time, no boot time delay, easy access and 100% support of the IT department.

Even my iPAD is not the best device for producing work it can leverage all the legacy application I have to use and provide me thru the PiggyVDI the best infrastructure to run my desktop: an vBlock from VCE.

Many IT experts I have spoken see that VDI is the key for BYOD and demands of an Enterprise, but the infrastructure has to be flexible enough to compensate for the enterprise demand resources, since it is not easy to predict the amount of desktops running at the same time. This is not exactly true since VMware and VCE has good models and experience to design this.


My strong believe is that with the user centric IT, VDI will be the future of enterprise desktop management and it will deliver the power of the enterprise to the User´s device, quick, easy and reliable.


VMware View demo on iPAD